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Caroline KeepCaroline Keep

PhD researcher Digitization in Education Organisation – University of Central Lancaster

Caroline Keep, a data scientist and educator pursuing her PhD in digitalization in education at the University of Central Lancaster, specializes in the application of advanced technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence within educational settings. Her contributions to this field have been acknowledged by several national awards including the National TES Award for Teaching.

Caroline's background in engineering has been instrumental in shaping her approach to digital transformation in education, making her an asset in the realm of project management within educational technology.

In addition to her academic and consulting roles, Caroline is an active disability advocate across the UK and is enthusiastic about organizing STEM events, reinforcing her commitment to creating inclusive and accessible educational environments.

Session: Inclusive Practices in Project Management: Leveraging Digital Frameworks for Diverse Minds

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the integration of inclusive practices in project management is not just a necessity, but also a catalyst for innovative transformation. As an autistic, ADHD, and disabled advocate specialising in digital transformation, my presentation will delve into inclusive project management. We will explore how diverse cognitive experiences, such as those of neurodivergent individuals, can profoundly enrich digital frameworks, fostering environments where creativity and efficiency coalesce. Drawing on my extensive work in developing digital frameworks, I will demonstrate how these structures can be tailored to accommodate various needs, ensuring that every team member can contribute to their fullest potential. This talk aims to provide actionable insights and strategies for embedding inclusivity into the fabric of project management, thereby unlocking the new dimensions of productivity and innovation in the digital sphere.