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Sharon Nolan

How to successfully negotiate in any project

Project management is usually taught in a linear fashion and tends to follows this process: firstly, consider the personalities and skill set required to successfully complete the project, next, decide who the stakeholders are and develop a communication plan in order to be able to address them, after this, try to agree on the scope of the project and decide the deadline, following this, draw up a Gantt chart showing the timetable of your project and agree a budget to cover all the above, finally, once the project has ended, complete a review.

Elizabeth Nolan Elizabeth Nolan
Elizabeth Nolan

Calm in the storm: exercising resilience

Forgive me for starting with some sweeping generalisations about three key personality traits of project professionals, but I hope you’ll be able to relate.

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Gordon McKay

Is there such a thing as a Change State?

You may be thinking ‘oh no not another article about organisational change’, however, despite all the philosophies and taught approaches, we have missed identifying the key component; that point in time when everything is aligned for change to successfully happen.