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Women in Project Management Conference

26 September 2024 | Convene, 133 Houndsditch, London
Wipm Leadership Unpacked 5

Programme and streams

Across our plenary and stream sessions, you will hear from a range of speakers from the profession and beyond, sharing their own stories and the skills and behaviours needed for your personal and professional advancement.

Stream 1  |  Women in Leadership

True to the overarching theme, this stream will unpack what leadership means for women in the project profession. You’ll hear inspiring stories from women who have reached positions of leadership, gain an understanding of creating your own pathway to leadership, and hear valuable advice and guidance on negotiating pay, pension and workplan during your journey to the top.  

Stream 2  |  Celebrating Differences

It’s commonly accepted that the more diverse a team, the more productive it is – which in itself can lead to greater project success. But how do employers go about creating environments of inclusion? In this stream we’ll celebrate the differences that make up diverse teams by exploring neurodiversity, unpicking why male allyship matters, and discussing the roles of inclusive leaders in fostering psychological safety in teams.  

Stream 3  |  Career Development Tools & Techniques

Packed with interactive workshops, this stream will equip you with valuable tools to progress your career. Not only will you come away with a greater understanding of the fundamentals needed to set up a project for success, you’ll also learn some valuable stakeholder management skills and understand how to move your career forward by using goal setting techniques and growing your network. 

Conference programme (subject to change)

🕐 09:30-09:45

Plenary | Opening remarks

Irene Maposa - Chair, WiPM Interest Network

 🕐 09:45-10:30

Plenary | Opening keynote

Natalie Campbell MBE - Social entrepreneur and broadcaster


 🕐 11:00-11:45

Stream 1 | The pathway to leadership - how to become a project leader

Panel chair: IJ Samuel - Turner and Townsend
Panellists: Paula Fontes - British Airways

Hear from our panel of senior female leaders in the project profession as they discuss potential pathways to positions of seniority. They'll use examples from their own experience to provide advice and tools that can be used by the audience for career progression planning. The panel will also address barriers to progression and explore new approaches redefining leadership opportunities. This session is ideal for any project professional aspiring to reach the top, whatever their career level.

Stream 2 | Panel discussion: Why male allyship matters

Panellists: Jessal Murarji - MEXE, Jonathan Greenfield - Tideway

Male allies play a crucial role in supporting and advancing women in leadership. But why are they so important? How does male allyship work in practice and how can male project professionals champion women's progression in the workplace? This session will tackle all these questions and more.

Stream 3 | Five basic tools to set up a project for success

Starting out in project management? Find out what you need in to ensure you are giving your project the best chances of success. This session will offer practical advice on effective project management by getting the foundations right first time.


  🕐 11:55-12:45

Stream 1 | In conversation with: Dr Yvonne Thompson MBE followed by interactive quick fire session

Dr Yvonne Thompson MBE

In this session the audience will hear from experienced and well respected project leader APM President Dr Yvonne Thompson MBE as she shares her challenges and key learnings along her pathway to leadership. The audience will also have an opportunity to ask Yvonne questions.

Following this we will run a quick-fire interactive networking session where the audience will have the chance to share their own stories with their neighbour, speaking about their own learnings and challenges along the way.

Stream 2 | Inclusive leaders empower inclusive workplaces

Speakers: Elizabeth Nolan - Sackers, Sarah Outterson - Babcock, Roselyn Unegbu - Thames Water

Regardless of our career stage, current role or seniority, we are all potential leaders. Being an inclusive leader can strengthen relationships with colleagues by creating a more supportive and collaborative network and positively impact workplace culture, which can reduce stress and enhance your overall well-being.

Through an interactive and engaging panel session we will share inspirational experiences, look at challenges faced and ways in which we can support the achievement of inclusive workplaces. What steps must we take to become inclusive leaders and how can we look after our well-being and that of colleagues on the journey?

Delegates will also have the chance to submit their own challenges in this area in advance of this session, for our speakers to discuss and provide solutions. More information on this will be sent to all ticket holders in due course.

Stream 3 | Interactive workshop: Using performance, image and exposure to improve your network and utilise career connections

This session will discuss the benefits that come from having a high-quality network of professionals around you. The session will also include interactive exercises around tools and techniques you can use to grow your own, high-performing network.


  🕐 13:45-14:30

Stream 1 | Interactive workshop: The role of flexible leadership in supporting women at work

In today's world, flexible ways of working are becoming more commonplace. But the term flexible working can mean many things. How does applying a flexible approach help support women in the workplace? What role do line managers play in applying flexible leadership approaches? By encouraging work-life balance, providing development opportunities, creating a supportive environment, recognising achievements and offering feedback and guidance, line managers can empower female employees to thrive and succeed in their roles. Ultimately, fostering an inclusive workplace benefits everyone involved.

This session will address two particular areas of focus:
1. What employers and line managers should be aware of to support those with menstrual, pregnancy, menopause and other health related issues.
2. What women can expect from their employer and line manager in relation to supporting any health issues they experience and what rights they have in this area, such as reasonable adjustments.

This session will be relevant to anyone who is interested in this subject, whatever their career level, whether they are a line manager or not.

Stream 2 | The power of neurodiversity in project teams

The audience can expect to take away a greater understanding of the part they can play in creating environments of inclusion around this complex and sensitive area.

Stream 3 | Interactive workshop: Managing difficult conversations as a project professional

Speaker: Sheilina Somani

The presentation highlights that we can have a positive future, engendering hope and agency to work across all sectors.


🕐 15:05-15:50

Stream 1 | Negotiating your pay, pension and workplan

The gender pay gap is one of the biggest challenges facing the project profession today. According to the 2023 APM Salary and Market Trends Survey, the gender pay gap in the project profession is 16% higher than the national average. But how can project professionals, as individuals, work towards towards fairer pay for all? Negotiating pay, pension and your own work-life balance can be challenging, particularly if you don't know where to start.

We've selected experienced professionals in this area to form a panel to provide advice, suggestions and guidance. In this session they'll discuss methods of negotiating a better pay deal, how to understand your pension options and discuss ways forward as future leaders.

Stream 2 | Navigating change: global and hybrid working models

Speakers: Susie Palmer-Trew

This talk aims to provide actionable insights and strategies for embedding inclusivity into the fabric of project management, thereby unlocking the new dimensions of productivity and innovation in the digital sphere.

Stream 3 | Career Forward: Planning for progression

This interactive session will develop delegates' understanding of how to goal set to plan out career journeys, including how professional qualifications and memberships can be leveraged to help with career progression and how use of mentoring and coaching can help you reach your goals.


🕐 15:55-16:40 

Closing keynote

Maggie Alphonsi MBE - England Rugby World Cup winner

 🕐 16:40-17:50

Closing remarks

Irene Maposa - Chair, WiPM interest Network