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60 Seconds with: Lord Andrew Mawson

What were the key messages from your presentation at the conference? The problem of the financial situation of this country is actually an opportunity for us to think differently about project management.


60 Seconds with: Peter Fielder

60 Seconds with: Peter Fielder, managing director, performance excellence, BAE Systems What were the key messages from your presentation at the conference? Programmes are more complex than they used to be and their complexity will continue to rise.


Building Bloodhound

In Bristol a highly skilled team of engineers is working hard to deliver a vehicle capable of breaking the land speed record.


ODA chairman wins top engineering award

Sir John Armitt CBE, the man responsible for delivering the London 2012 Olympic Games infrastructure, is the first person to receive the Royal Academy of Engineering Major Projects Award.


Beyond lessons learned - APM announce 13th SIG

Following a successful conference in London in early July entitled Making knowledge work beyond lessons learned, APM are delighted to announce that a 13th Specific Interest Group has been adopted.