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Assessment Results Enquiry Process

We've a 3-stage procedure for those wishing to raise a results enquiry/appeal. The stage chosen is dependent on the grounds in which you'd like to progress. You have a right to submit a results enquiry/appeal without fear of reprisal or victimisation and should expect APM to deal with an appeal seriously, impartially and in confidence.

An enquiry/appeal must be received no later than 30 days after the dispatch of your results. Stage 1, 2 & 3 will incur a fee which is refundable should your enquiry/appeal be upheld.

  Zero Charge Enquiry Stage 1: Results Enquiry Stage 2: Results Enquiry Stage 3: Appeal
Cost £0 £50 plus VAT refundable if the enquiry is upheld £100 plus VAT refundable if the enquiry is upheld £500 plus VAT refundable if the appeal is upheld
Grounds Generic enquiry Belief that a procedural error has occurred

Belief that a specific marking or assessment error has occurred for question(s) or specific aspects of your assessment

Disclosure of circumstances that have affected you sitting which could not be disclosed at the time of writing

Belief that the overall examination or assessment result awarded was unjustified
Examples may include but not limited to

Asking for clarification of the regulations, procedures or guidance

Information on how to make a results enquiry/appeal

Details of the resit process or the options to resit

Candidate query related to whether the correct results have been issued

Incomplete information regarding a result being completed. For example, no marks showing for a question that was attempted

Specific marking/assessment concerns relating to –

  • up to 2 questions within your written examination.
  • up to 2 competence areas within your assessment (such as the ChPP written report*)

*Please note we can only assess evidence provided at the time of assessment

Health related issues which were unknown to you at the time of the exam (evidence will need to be submitted with your appeal)

Disagreeing with the overall unsuccessful result awarded (such as, more than 2 questions within your written examination or more than 2 competence areas within your ChPP assessment) 

Disagreeing with the outcome of an accreditation or recognised assessment application

Indicative outcome timescale 2 working days* 10 working days from receipt of payment * 15 working days from receipt of payment * 6 working weeks from receipt of payment *

*Indicative outcome timescales may vary dependent on the complexity of the query and level of investigation required.

For zero charge enquiries please email for stages 1, 2 & 3 please complete the web form below.

Enquiries/Appeal can be submitted relating to the grounds stated above in relation to APM qualifications, standards, membership, accreditation and recognised assessment.

We’ll always aim to deal with enquiries/appeals quickly and within the specified timescales. However, if it’s clear the matter will require a further detailed investigation, we’ll keep you informed of the investigation process and progress at regular intervals.

Please note -

  • APM reserves the right to advise on an alternative stage or reject a request depending on the information submitted.
  • By attending the assessment, candidates have confirmed they are fit to do so; no appeals will be heard concerning a candidate’s wellbeing during the assessment as this should have been addressed at the time to either your accredited training provider or APM directly.
  • Project Professional Qualification scenario and oral exam, and Chartered assessments have been moderated by two assessors, therefore an enquiry/appeal for these assessments will not be accepted. If you feel the assessment was conducted incorrectly or have been assessed unfairly a complaint can be submitted.
  • We’re unable to provide further feedback or share candidate answers. APM operates an on-demand exam system for both the Project Fundamentals Qualification and Project Management Qualification exam. As a result, we use a question bank which is in constant circulation and are therefore, unable to release candidate’s scripts which would compromise the security and integrity of the question bank. Candidate’s scores are released per assessment criteria, and this is the only level of feedback that’s provided. Qualitative feedback is not provided.
  • APM’s qualification marking has a robust quality assurance process and markers undergo extensive training and ongoing standardisation to ensure assessments are fair, therefore a paper re-mark is not offered.
  • An enquiry/appeal cannot be submitted based on technical difficulties or issues as these should be notified at the time of sitting the examination.
  • It’s not possible to provide an uplift in scores or dispensation as a result of any issues uncounted.

How to make an enquiry/appeal regarding your assessment

Please email to log an appeal regarding your assessment

 Once your request has been received, we'll contact you to confirm receipt and take the relevant payment within 2 working days. An enquiry/appeal must be received no later than 30 days after the dispatch of your results.

Personal details or details of any enquiry will not be divulged to third parties outside the scope of investigating your enquiry unless we have your written consent.

Enquiry form

Contact us

Assessment Results Enquiries/Appeals

Association for Project Management
Ibis House, Regent Park
Summerleys Road
Princes Risborough
HP27 9LE

Make an enquiry/appeal regarding your assessment

A member of the team will be in touch