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APM Blogs

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Peter Glynne

Benefits or Value: Shaping the great debate

The APM Benefits Management SIG is looking to canvass views on whether we are at a decisive point in the relationship between benefits and value or simply debating semantics?In recent years, there has been increased senior management focus on the benefits or the value realised through investment in change.

So why doesn't portfolio management stick?

At one of the earliest APM Portfolio Management Steering Committee meetings we decided to take our own medicine and adopt project management best practice!We did this by spending some agenda time thinking before doing.

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Scott Walkinshaw

Project management - The ethical vs the practical

Finally, it appears the future of the 2012 Olympic Stadium has been resolved with West Ham United winning out over Tottenham Hotspur’s proposal to knock it down and replace it with a football stadium.

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Roy Millard

Project and Programme Assurance SIG blog launched

In the past, we have attempted to keep SIG members up to date on what we are doing through occasional newsletter emails, but with our growing popularity the SIG felt we needed to adopt a more open and flexible method.

Merry Christmas from APM

Well, the 2010 Christmas project is nearing  its climax, with a spectrum of deliverables arriving on a timetable that started in the UK High Street in August and will end with NORADs Santa tracker on the night of 24th December, so we can follow Santas progress all around the world to our own chimneys.