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APM Greater Bay Area Network 項目管理學會大灣區網絡


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Welcome to the APM Greater Bay Area Network community.

Who we are: 

Our network aims to establish project management as the recognised profession for managing beneficial change in every type of business across the Greater Bay Area. 

We also provide project and programme management career development advice based on best practice across all sectors. 

What we do: 

Established in 1991 as the APM Hong Kong branch, we actively engage our members through regular events and networking opportunities in the region. 

We host webinars with local experts to explore subjects such as Risk Management, Information Technology Services Management for the construction industry and the development of the Greater Bay Area.

Additionally, we collaborate with local universities and educational institutions to promote APM qualifications and accreditations, supporting individuals as they enter the project management field. 

We also raise awareness and guidance around the importance of ChPP status and inclusion on the Register of Chartered Project Professionals. 

How to get involved: 

Join us for networking opportunities, ongoing professional development, volunteering, mentorship and site visits to local projects. 

“One of our goals is to promote project management professionalism across the region, not just Hong Kong,” says network lead Jim Pippin. “To that end, we offer assistance in all areas of project management, including major projects around the Greater Bay Area as well as collaboration with local universities and educational institutions.  

Simply follow us to stay up to date with the latest regional news, announcements, and activity.









我們通過定期活動和網絡交流機會,積極與會員互動。我們與本地專家合作,舉辦網絡研討會,議題包括風險管理、建築行業的信息技術服務管理 ,以及大灣區的發展等主題。此外,我們與大灣區的大學和教育機構合作,推廣APM資格和認證,支持個人進入專業項目管理領域。


APM大灣區網絡旨在推動整個地區的項目管理專業化,而不僅限於香港。正如網絡負責人Jim Pippin所說:「我們在項目管理的各個領域提供幫助,包括大灣區的重大項目,以及與本地大學和教育機構的合作。」











APM大湾区网络成立于1991年,最初命名为香港分会。在区内,我们担任两项重要角色,包括: (一)提高对特许专业项目管理师(ChPP)资格的重要性, 和 (二)增强对注册特许项目专业人员名册的重要性和认识。



APM大湾区网络旨在推动整个地区的项目管理专业化,而不仅限于香港。正如网络负责人Jim Pippin所说:「我们在项目管理的各个领域提供帮助,包括大湾区的重大项目,以及与本地大学和教育机构的合作。」

加入APM大湾区网络的益处包括: (一)享受多种网络交流和本地项目的实地考察机会。 (二)我们的志愿导师能提供持续的专业发展指导。 (三)参与志愿服务,能启发并协助会员开拓发展空间。


Team member


Deputy Lead


Corporate Members, Higher Education Institutes, APM Local Members, and Local Project Professionals Gathering
The Association for Project Management (APM) Greater Bay Area (GBA) Network recently hosted a highly anticipated gathering for corporate members, higher education institutes, local APM members, and project professionals. The event featured an opening speech by APM CEO, Professor Adam Boddison OBE, who highlighted the importance of project management in driving sustainable development in the region.
APM GBA Network Supports UCEM Hong Kong Symposium 2024
The Association for Project Management (APM) Greater Bay Area (GBA) Network proudly supported the UCEM Hong Kong Symposium 2024, themed "Sustainability in the Built Environment." This significant event brought together industry leaders and professionals to discuss sustainable practices and innovations in construction and urban development.
UCEM APAC Office “Free Session by Chartered Association for Project Management”
University College of Estate Management APAC Office “Free Session by Chartered Association for Project Management” on 10 September 2024
Greater Bay Area Christmas meal and thank you to APM
The Greater Bay Area Branch would like to send their thanks for the support from Prof. Adam Boddison OBE, Caspar Bartington Bartington, Natalie Keppler, Ellie Breakwell, Catherine Bendell, Maya Creasey, Sarah Slater, Hannah Mizen-Carney and all the speakers and guests of our events in 2023.
Overview of the merits in use of BIM for Building, Engineering and Construction Projects, Part II: Case Studies A
The use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) is growing with strength and intensity. The related modern technologies are becoming increasingly important for Hong Kong’s building and construction industry in both the public and private sectors. This webinar was held on 15 September 2023.
Delay Analysis from a Technical and legal perspective webinar
The webinar aimed to price an Insight into delay analysis and provide a legal update on extension of time / liquidated damages. This webinar was held on 21 June 2023.


Construction Industry Council iHub Site Visit

15 March 2025

We are thrilled to announce that the Hong Kong Construction Industry Council has partnered with the GBA network to co-host the APM annual site visit at the CIC iHub in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong.