APM terms and conditions
Association for Project Management is incorporated by Royal Charter RC000890 and a registered charity No: 1171112. Principal office is Ibis House, Regent Park, Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire HP27 9LE.
Chartered Project Professionals and membership of APM
- These terms and conditions apply to all individual members of the Association for Project Management and to all Chartered Project Professionals (‘ChPP’). Separate terms and conditions exist for corporate partners, corporate affiliates and corporations with APM accreditations.
- The Royal Charter sets out the overall constitution of APM and provides for APM to adopt regulations.
- Every member and ChPP agrees to receive documents and information from APM relating to their membership or Chartered registration in electronic form. Material will be sent to the individual’s preferred e-mail address (if supplied to APM) and shall be treated as received by the individual if sent to that address – the individual is responsible for notifying APM of all changes of email address. In addition or alternatively (if APM so determines) material may be provided to the individual by being made available on the APM website.
- APM takes your privacy seriously and will process your personal data in accordance with Data Protection legislation and our privacy statement.
- In accordance with the Regulations and other rules which may be published from time to time, APM reserves the right to withdraw membership or entry onto the register of Chartered Project Professionals in the event on non-payment of applicable fees.
Fit and Proper Person Declaration
By accepting these terms and conditions, all applicants confirm that they:
- Have no personal insolvency issues.
- Have no unspent convictions.
- Are not, and have not been, subject to disciplinary proceedings from APM or another professional body.
- Have not been refused membership by another professional body.
- Are not disqualified as a company director or charity trustee.
- Have not been dismissed or asked to resign from employment or another fiduciary role.
If any of the above do apply, the applicant must not continue with their application / renewal and should inform APM by emailing if they wish to proceed.
APM Code of Professional Conduct
- The Regulations require all members and Chartered Project Professionals to comply with the APM Code of Professional Conduct. The Code sets out the standards of conduct expected of those working in the profession. This obligation includes the duty to undertake continuing professional development (CPD).
- Disciplinary issues are determined in accordance with the APM professional conduct procedural rules.
- Individual members and Chartered Project Professionals will be notified of any updates to the Code of Professional Conduct and the associated procedural rules and are required to comply with the most recent versions.
- The Regulations set out the definitions of the different grades of membership and the rights of each grade. These rights include the use of post-nominal letters, the right to attend general meetings and to participate in trustee elections.
- Details of Full membership (MAPM) are set out here.
- Details of Fellow membership (FAPM) are set out here.
- Details of Student membership are set out here.
- Details of Associate membership are set out here.
- Consideration should be given to the specific conditions relating to unsuccessful Member and Fellow applications and the treatment of applicable fees.
The Chartered Standard and Chartered Project Professionals
- The Regulations and the Chartered Standard set out the eligibility criteria and the rights and obligations of Chartered Project Professionals, including the use of post-nominal letters
- Chartered Project Professionals may or may not be members of APM.
- Details of the Chartered standard are set out here.
Unsuccessful Membership Applications
Due to administrative costs within the Full Membership and Fellow application processes APM is unable to issue a refund of the fees charged. The outcome of unsuccessful applications will be:
- For Existing Members: The unsuccessful applicant’s status and associated fees will remain unchanged.
- For New Members: Following review of the submission and consideration as to whether the application meets the requirements of a particular grade, then unsuccessful applicants will receive a grade deemed appropriate by the APM Membership Panel.
- Incomplete Applications: Where an application is deemed incomplete and, as a result, cannot be assigned to the APM Membership Panel, the applicant will receive the Associate Member grade.
- Renewal Charges (applicable to all applicants): Future renewals will be charged at the fee applicable to the grade awarded unless the applicant subsequently submits a successful reapplication.
For the avoidance of doubt unsuccessful applicants can, dependent on the nature of, and subject to rectification to, the circumstances leading to the unsuccessful application, submit further applications.
If an unsuccessful applicant later satisfies the Full Membership or Fellow criteria they will be upgraded to Full Membership or Fellow at no additional cost.
APM Awards, APM Conference and other APM events
Your contract
- Bookings for our events are contracts with Association for Project Management (APM), incorporated by Royal Charter RC000890 and a registered charity No. 1171112. Principal office is Ibis House, Regent Park, Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, HP27 9LE. It is governed by its Charter, which is supplemented by it's regulations.
Refunds in respect of all bookings
- No refunds will be made if a cancellation is made within 14 days of an event.
- Any refunds made for cancellations received more than 14 days from the date of an event will be subject to an administration charge of 20% of the event fee (with a minimum administration charge of £10 applying for events booked with APM).
- This will not affect your statutory rights.
Your details
- Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the APM privacy statement.
- Your name, job title and organisation may be shared with other delegates (including speakers) attending the same event for the purpose of pre and post event networking. If you do not want your details to be shared in this way please email
- At registration can you ensure that you bring some form of ID. This could be an email on a mobile phone or printed confirmation of booking or the joining instructions email, or an APM membership card.
- At the beginning of the event you will be briefed as to the evacuation procedure – please ensure you understand where your nearest emergency exit and assembly point are.
- Please don’t touch any stray bags or cases but let the organisers know.
- We will film or be taking photos during our events and may use flash photography. Please check our privacy statement to learn more about how the event photos/videos will be used. If you prefer not to be included in any photos of films, please do let us know at
- Photographs and/or films are taken at some of our events and may use flash photography.
- Participants at our events grant APM exclusive permission to use the footage throughout the world for any of its commercial or non-commercial purposes in all and any media, including, without limitation, in APM's printed publications, presentations, promotional materials, in the advertising of APM's goods or services or on the APM website in its original format or edited or altered in any way which APM deems appropriate.
- Recording is prohibited without prior consent.
Event content
- The views expressed by any speaker at an APM hosted event are their own and no endorsement or recommendation by APM should be assumed. Before implementing any advice or suggestions that arise from an APM event you should ensure that you have received independent professional advice.
Force Majeure
- For the purposes of these terms and conditions, Force Majeure Event means an event beyond the reasonable control of APM including but not limited to strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes (whether involving the workforce of APM or any other party), failure of a utility service or transport network, act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm or default of suppliers or subcontractors.
- APM shall not be liable as a result of any delay or failure to perform its obligations to you as a result of a Force Majeure Event.
- If the Force Majeure Event prevents APM from performing its obligations to you, for example if an event is cancelled as a result of a Force Majeure Event, APM (as the case may be) shall, without limiting its other rights or remedies, have the right to terminate any contract with you immediately by giving you written notice.
- Written notice may be given by post or email, and a post on APM's website shall also constitute effective written notice.
APM Corporate Partnership Programme
General and Payments
- Annual confirmation of the acceptance of these terms and conditions is confirmed by the payment of the annual fee which must be received in full net of local taxes and bank charges.
- APM reserves the right to refuse any application for corporate membership. Corporate Partners and corporate Affiliates are corporate members of APM. APM may unilaterally withdraw an individual corporate membership and withholds the right to make changes to the corporate partnership and corporate affiliate schemes.
- Payment of the fee entitles the Corporate Partner or Corporate Affiliate any entitlements associated with that status and as published by APM from time to time. The payment grants access to those entitlements for a calendar year. Payments to APM must be made in accordance with APM’s standard supplier terms and conditions which are available on request. If a Corporate Partner/ Corporate Affiliate decides to end its membership during the year no refund will be made for the remaining annual period. APM may lapse any applicable access and entitlements to a Corporate Partner/ Corporate Affiliate if renewals are not paid within a 60 day period.
Intellectual Property
- The Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate shall take reasonable steps to safeguard any APM intellectual property.
- The Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate shall comply with APM’s requirements regarding presentation of APM’s brand and trade marks.
- The Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate shall promptly notify APM of any actual, threatened or suspected infringement of any intellectual property of APM which comes to the Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate’s notice.
- APM may provide to every Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate who has paid all membership fees due from that Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate to APM from time to time digital materials from APM including but not limited to a copy of the APM Competence Framework (the Competence Framework) which shall comprise the APM Competence Framework, self-assessment documents, complexity guidance, introduction and role profiles.
- The Competence Framework may only be used by the Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate in accordance with these terms and conditions.
- In consideration of the corporate partner programme fee APM grants a licence to each Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate to whom it has provided the APM Competence Framework on a non-exclusive basis for the period of its participation in the Corporate Partner Programme of APM in relation to the whole or any part of the Competence Framework:
1) To store the APM Competence Framework in a secure manner, and
2) To give access to the APM Competence Framework to individuals (Authorised Users) employed or engaged under contract by the Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate or by a corporate body in the same group as the Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate, for the purpose of permitting Authorised Users to use the APM Competence Framework for the purposes only of reference, in-house staff management and development, creation and distribution of an in-house framework derived from the Competence Framework and for study by them.
- The APM Competence Framework shall be used by the Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate for internal distribution only and the Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate shall procure that the Authorised Users use the APM Competence Framework for internal distribution only.
- The Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate will not knowingly give access to parts of the APM Competence Framework that are not in the public domain to any person, firm, company, organisation or other entity which is not an Authorised User.
- The Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate shall so far as reasonably practical ensure that each and every part of the Competence Framework used by the Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate shall be clearly identified as being an extract of the Competence Framework and shall:
1) Not remove the copyright notice which appears on the Competence Framework and not remove the disclaimer which appears on the first page of the Competence Framework whether the Competence Framework is reproduced on screen or in printed form, and
2) Where a part or parts of the Competence Framework is or are used include the copyright notice if not already present.
- APM may at any time update the APM Competence Framework or withdraw any item or part of an item from it or withdraw the whole of the APM Competence Framework.
- All rights in the APM Competence Framework not expressly granted by these terms and conditions are reserved to APM.
- If the Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate shall cease to be a Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate of APM the Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate shall cease to use the parts of the Competence Frame that are not in the public domain.
- The Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate shall not without the prior consent of APM (which may require prior payment of an additional fee) use the APM Competence Framework in a product or service specifically dependant on the APM Competence Framework where such product or service is intended for use by any person other than the Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate or an Authorised User.
- The Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate shall not without the prior consent of APM (which may require prior payment of an additional fee) use the APM Competence Framework for the purposes of monetary reward by means of the sale, resale, loan, transfer, hire or other form of exploitation including, without limitation, fee-for-service or other systematic supply.
- The Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate shall not, and will procure that no Authorised User shall, loan, publish, adapt, reverse engineer, disassemble, make corrections to or otherwise exploit, modify, create derivative works or combine with any other material the whole or any part of the Competence Framework except to the extent necessary to use the Competence Framework for the purposes described in 9b above.
- Information that is not in the public domain and is used in connection with or relates to the business, customers, financial or other affairs of APM or of another Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate of APM of which the Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate becomes aware as a result of its participation in the Corporate Partner Programme of APM is Confidential Information. The Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate shall at all times during the period of its participation in the Corporate Partner Programme of APM and thereafter use its reasonable endeavours to keep all Confidential Information confidential and accordingly shall not disclose any Confidential Information to any other person, save that this requirement shall not apply to Confidential Information:
1) Which is or becomes public knowledge (otherwise than by breach of this term)
2) Which was in the possession of the Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate, without restriction as to its disclosure, before receiving it from APM or the other Corporate Partner/Corporate Affiliate (as the case may be)
3) Which is received from a third party who lawfully acquired it and who is under no obligation regarding its disclosure
4) Is independently developed without access to the Confidential Information, or
5) Which must be disclosed pursuant to a statutory, legal or parliamentary obligation placed upon the party making the disclosure, including any requirements under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Payment and credit arrangements
APM aims to establish open and professional relations with all its partners for the mutual and sustained benefit of all. In support of this, and to provide clarity, our terms and conditions for payment and credit arrangements are set out below.
Payment terms
APM payment terms are 30 days after the invoice date, or earlier based on its assessment of credit worthiness.
Non specific invoice related payments
Unspecified payments to APM will be applied to the oldest debts first.
Credit limit
A credit limit is set internally and based on available credit ratings, references, financial data and payment history.
Availability and review
Credit is available on some APM activities and is offered at the Association’s discretion. Terms agreed on application or in the future are subject to review and amendment at any time.
Terms exceeded
Where payment terms are exceeded, APM will take appropriate action including discussing appropriate arrangements with the organisation concerned.
Interest on late payments
APM reserves the right to charge interest on late payments in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 as amended.
As a part of its trading terms APM reserves the right to partially or fully set off any monies due to customers against any unpaid invoices or other debts due to APM.
APM will apply VAT where necessary at the applicable rate.
Please note APM views all candidates as taking examinations in a private capacity. VAT will be applied at the standard rate on all examinations irrespective of where the examination is sat geographically. This is because the kinds of services that are affected by the location of the customer do not include examinations.
Payments must be received in full net of local taxes and bank charges.
Direct Debit Processing
APM uses GoCardless to process your Direct Debit payments. More information on how GoCardless processes your personal data and your data protection rights, including your right to object, is available at
APM website terms of use
Please read these terms of use carefully before using this site.
Your use of this site means that you agree to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, do not use the site. These terms are used in addition with the website's house rules and privacy statement.
- Views and opinions expressed on this website by individuals do not necessarily reflect the views of APM
- Access to parts of the Website is restricted to authorised persons. If you believe you have been granted access to any document or file by mistake, please leave the restricted section immediately and contact us as soon as possible. Please also contact us if we have notified you that you are permitted to access a restricted part of the Website but are unable to obtain access to it.
- The documents and files hosted on the restricted sections of the Website are confidential. You must not distribute the documents and files hosted in these areas except to persons authorised to read them. If you believe that you may have been granted access to a document or file by mistake you must not download it, copy it, use it for any purpose or disclose its contents to any other person.
- We reserve the right to remove you from the authorised list of users for any restricted area of the Website at any time.
- You must not allow any other person to use your password. If you believe someone else knows your password you must change it immediately and contact us as soon as possible.
- There is no automatic timeout for users logged in who have been inactive. you must close your browser at the end of each session.
- If you access the Website from a shared PC, during your access to the Website you will be responsible for all instructions received by us between the time you pass the security procedure until you exit the Website. This includes any input errors or instructions sent by someone other than you whilst you are still logged onto the Website.
- Parts of the Website incorporate Verisign encryption technology. Stronger encryption technology is available. We cannot guarantee that unauthorised people will not be able to access confidential information hosted on or downloaded from the Website.
- APM will not be liable for any loss including but not limited to the following (whether such losses are foreseen, known or otherwise) loss of data, loss of revenue or anticipated profit, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill or injury to reputation, losses suffered by third parties, any indirect, consequential or exemplary damages.
- APM does not warrant that the functions contained in the Website will be uninterrupted or error free or that the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs.
- The names, images and logos identifying APM or third parties in their products and services are subject to copyright, design rights and trademarks of APM and/or third parties. Nothing contained in these terms should be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel or otherwise any licence or right to use any trademark, patent, design right or copyright of APM or any third party.
- APM may change these terms at any time by posting the changes online and your continued use of the Website after such changes are posted means you agree to be bound by these terms as amended.
- These terms shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
All rights are reserved, including copyright and database right.
Unless specifically stated otherwise, all material on the site is subject to APM’s branding and copyright policy. To request permission to use any materials from the APM website, please contact us.
Subject to the following provisions you may download and use the material included on the Website on a single CPU at a time and you may print out a single hard copy of any part of the content on the Website for your personal use on the basis that you will delete all downloaded material when it is no longer actively used by you. Otherwise, no part of this website may be reproduced or downloaded, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of APM.
Permission to reproduce or download the APM’s material does not, in any event, extend to any material on this site which is identified as being the copyright of a third party (for example photographs, logos etc.) Authorisation to reproduce such material must be obtained from the copyright holders concerned.
Please contact us to request use of copyright material.
The Association for Project Management encourages users to establish hypertext links to this site.
Content disclaimer
The information on our web pages is provided for convenience as part of the service we offer at this website.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in these pages. The Association for Project Management, its servants or agents shall not at any time, in any circumstances, be held responsible or liable to any party in respect of any loss, damage or costs of any nature arising directly or indirectly from reliance placed on the material in these pages, or any other guidelines or policies issued by the Association for Project Management. Visitors who rely on this information do so at their own risk.
Individual answers to questions and responses to discussions are provided in good faith and are based on a limited amount of data available at the time without necessarily knowing the full context. Users of the site are therefore advised that they may interpret and use this information at their own risk.
All liability for loss, disappointment, negligence or other damage caused in the event of the bankruptcy or liquidation or cessation of trade of any company, individual or firm mentioned is hereby excluded.
Similarly no adverse inference should necessarily be drawn from the fact that any organisation or person or other information has been omitted from these pages, the content of the pages being determined in the sole discretion of the Association for Project Management.
The Association for Project Management is not responsible for the content or reliability of linked websites. Listing should not be taken as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time and we have no control over availability of pages.
Intellectual property
The names, images, pictures and logos identifying APM, are proprietary marks of the APM. Copying our logos and/or any other third party logos accessed via this website is not permitted without prior approval from the relevant copyright owner.
Please contact us to request permission to use our logo. Tell us how and why you wish to use our logo. Please include your contact details, name, address, telephone number, fax number and email.
Hyperlinking to us at the Association for Project Management
You do not have to ask permission to link directly to pages hosted on this site. We do not object to you linking directly to the information hosted on our site. However, we do not permit use of our logo as a link without prior permission or our pages to be loaded into frames on your site. APM’s pages must load into the user's entire window.
Accredited Providers
By applying for APM accreditation as an Accredited Provider (AP) you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions and applicable service level requirements and guidance documents (current service level requirements and guidance documents are listed in paragraph 12.5 below). Compliance is a prerequisite for accreditation. Failure to comply may result in suspension or termination of your APM accreditation.
You will be informed of any alterations to the terms and conditions, service level requirements and guidance documents.
1. Use of the APM Accredited digital badge
The APM Accredited digital badge must be used in line with any branding guidelines which will be issued to you from time to time. You may only use the APM Accredited digital badge in relation to courses which have been accredited by APM. The AP acknowledges that APM owns all intellectual property rights in ‘APM’ and ‘Association for Project Management’ and logos / digital badges used in connection with APM’s activities and the AP shall not infringe APM’s intellectual property rights in any way.
2. Skill and care
The AP shall use reasonable skill and care in the provision of the accredited courses and examinations and assessments for APM qualifications and shall comply with any reasonable guidance, instructions and service level requirements that APM may provide in writing to the AP regarding such courses, examinations and assessments. The AP shall undertake pre-employment checks before engaging trainers and/or invigilators for APM accredited courses and/or APM examinations which shall comply with any guidance issued from time to time by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
3. Marketing accredited courses
All marketing of an accredited course by the AP or by a third party on behalf of an AP must not provide any misleading or incorrect information about the accredited course and must state the name of the AP providing the course. Where the AP uses a third party to market any accredited course, the AP shall be responsible for the information about the accredited course provided by the third party and should monitor any such information to ensure compliance with this condition and condition 1 above.
4. Annual renewal/re-accreditation
4.1 AP Accreditation is renewed annually on the anniversary of the initial accreditation. Where additional courses are accredited outside annual renewal, they will be brought into alignment with existing accredited courses at the next renewal date. The AP will be notified of the requirement to renew/re-accredit and provided with all relevant paperwork in a timely manner.
4.2 You may only hold yourself out as an AP if you have a current APM accreditation as an Accredited Provider. You agree not to provide or market any accredited course unless at the time of providing or marketing your accreditation is current, irrespective of whether you are in the process of applying for accreditation or renewal.
5. Co-operation
The AP shall co-operate with APM in any enquiry by APM into any of the accredited courses and examinations and assessments for APM qualifications provided by the AP and comply with all reasonable requests from APM for information in connection with the activities of the AP which might have an impact on the AP’s suitability for accreditation by APM.
6. Spot checks
APM reserves the right to make (and charge for) spot check visits at any time.
7. Payment of fees
The AP shall pay any fees due to APM within 30 days of receipt of the invoice and in accordance with APM’s payment terms and conditions. All payments shall be in pounds sterling and must be received in full net of local taxes and bank charges. Any failure to pay fees as and when due shall be treated as non-compliance with these terms and conditions and may result in termination of the AP’s accreditation. APM will provide details of all applicable fees on request and advise of any annual increases.
8. Anti-bribery
The AP shall:
- comply with all applicable laws, statutes, and regulations relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption, including but not limited to the Bribery Act 2010; and
- promptly report to APM any offer of or any request or demand for any undue financial or other advantage of any kind received by the AP or any of its staff or contractors in connection with the provision of any of the accredited courses or examinations and assessments for APM qualifications
9. Confidential information and intellectual property
9.1 Information that is not in the public domain and is used in connection with or relates to the exams, core knowledge, qualifications, assessments, business, customers, financial or other affairs of APM of which the AP becomes aware as a result of its status as an accredited training provider of APM is Confidential Information. For the avoidance of doubt, this also includes APM Intellectual Property.
9.2 APM will retain full ownership in the copyright and Intellectual Property rights of all such material and, except for rights of usage expressly granted to the AP under this Agreement:
9.2.1 nothing in this Agreement will function to transfer any of APM’s Intellectual Property rights to the other party, and
9.2.2 APM will retain exclusive interest in and ownership of its Intellectual Property developed before this Agreement or developed outside the scope of this Agreement.
9.3 The AP shall at all times during the period for which it is an accredited provider of APM and thereafter use its reasonable endeavours to keep all Confidential Information confidential and accordingly shall not disclose any such information to any other person, save that this requirement shall not apply to Confidential Information:
- which is or becomes public knowledge (otherwise than by breach of this term)
- which was in the possession of the AP, without restriction as to its disclosure, before receiving it from APM
- which is received from a third party who lawfully acquired it and who is under no obligation regarding its disclosure
- is independently developed without access to the Confidential Information, or
- which must be disclosed pursuant to a statutory, legal or parliamentary obligation placed upon the party making the disclosure, including any requirements under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
10. Data protection
10.1 In these Terms and Conditions ‘Data Protection Laws’ means (i) the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the retained EU law version of the General Data P rotection Regulation (EU) 2016/679) and any national implementing law, regulations and secondary legislation, as amended or updated from time to time in the UK and (ii) any successor legislation to the GDPR or the Data Protection Act 2018.
10.2 The terms “controller”, “data subject”, “personal data”, “personal data breach”, processing” and “joint controller” have the meanings ascribed to them in the Data Protection Laws.
10.3 The AP acknowledges and agrees that it is a joint controller pursuant to GDPR Chapter 4, Article 26 in respect of any personal data it collects and handles from each candidate as an accredited training provider of APM.
10.4 The scope of the joint controllership extends to any personal data collected and handled by the AP and APM from examination and assessment candidates and individuals enrolled on the AP’s accredited courses in relation to accredited courses, exams or assessments for APM qualifications; Beyond this overlapping part of the joint controllership, both parties determine their separate means and purposes of the processing pursuant to Article 24 GDPR.
10.5 The AP shall:
- comply, at all times, with the requirements of the Data Protection Laws and in regard to the lawfulness of data processing in general and under joint controllership
- ensure that appropriate technical and organisational measures are taken to avoid unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against loss or destruction of or damage to the personal data
- shall ensure that only personal data which are strictly necessary for the legitimate conduct of the process under joint controllership are collected and used
- implement all necessary technical and organisational measures to ensure that the rights of data subjects, in particular those pursuant to Articles 12 to 22 GDPR, are guaranteed at all times within the statutory time limits, specifically
- for transparency purposes, ensure the data subjects are aware of the rights available to them in respect of the processing pursuant to GDPR Article 14; in particular their right to be informed of exam results information
- if a data subject exercises his or her rights against the AP, in particular the rights of access, correction, or deletion of his or her personal data, the AP is obliged to forward this request to APM DPO: without undue delay. APM may object to the deletion for a legitimate interest, for example, if there is a legal obligation to retain the data set
- ensure that all employees / contractors authorised to process the personal data have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality in accordance with GDPR Articles 28 (3), 29, and 32 for the duration of their employment/contract, as well as after termination of their employment/contract
- inform APM without undue delay when contracts/appointments of contractors or employees with access to APM systems are terminated or changed such that access to APM systems is no longer necessary
- ensure that they observe the data secrecy provisions prior to taking up their duties and are familiarised and updated with the data protection legislation and rules relevant to them
- shall support APM upon request if a data protection impact assessment is deemed necessary or make all information necessary available to allow for and contribute to audits conducted by APM or an auditor appointed by APM
- shall inform APM immediately if they notice errors or infringements regarding data protection provisions during the examination of the processing activities
- notify APM without undue delay (and in any event within 36 hours) on becoming aware of a personal data breach in relation to personal data which it held or controlled in relation to accredited courses or exams or assessments for APM qualifications. This includes receiving a communication which relates to APM's or the AP's compliance with the Data Protection Laws in relation to such data
- independently ensure that they are able to comply with all existing storage obligations with regard to the data. For this purpose, they must implement appropriate technical and organisational measures (Article 32 et seq. GDPR). This applies particularly in the case of termination of the cooperation
- ensure that it is entitled to transfer the relevant personal data to APM so that APM may lawfully use and process the personal data in order to create a record of each candidate and details of the examination to be taken by such candidate
- maintain records to demonstrate compliance with this clause 10 and provide such information in relation to its data protection and Information Technology Security practices as APM may reasonably require, in order to investigate whether adequate data protection standards are maintained by the AP and the provisions of this clause are properly complied with
- agree to indemnify and keep indemnified and defend at its own expense APM against all costs, claims, damages or expenses incurred by APM or for which APM may become liable due to any failure by the AP or its employees, contractors or agents to comply with any of its obligations under this Clause 10
11. Prohibition of assignment by the AP
Accreditation is specific to the AP. The AP is not entitled to assign the accreditation, or any benefit derived from accreditation to any other person or body.
12. Maintaining your accreditation
12.1 The AP must comply with APM’s reasonable requirements regarding the renewal of accreditation (as above).
12.2 The AP must inform APM of any changes to the organisation or delivery of accredited courses which have occurred since initial accreditation, or last annual renewal, as appropriate. The changes may include changes to the content, structure or delivery mode of an accredited course or the organisation structure. It is not a requirement to inform APM of changes of trainers. If the changes are substantial APM may wish to have the changes assessed.
12.3 The AP must carry out eligibility checks on a candidate prior to that candidate taking the examination or starting the first assessment stage. The eligibility checks must show that the candidate is at a suitable level of knowledge and experience to undertake the qualification in question.
12.4 APM is a member of the International Project Management Association (IPMA). The AP is required to comply with IPMA regulations regarding the delivery of courses, examinations and assessments leading to IPMA qualifications. For further information about the applicable regulations for delivery of these qualifications, please contact an APM business development manager.
12.5 The AP must comply with the following service level requirements and related guidance:
12.5.1 APM Accreditation for training providers - Application Guidance Notes
12.5.2 Service Level Requirements for Examinations and Assessments
12.5.3 Essential information for invigilators
12.5.4 Terms and Conditions for the use of the APM Competence Framework
13. Termination/removal of accreditation
13.1 Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which APM may have, APM may terminate this Agreement without liability to the AP on giving the AP not less than three months’ written notice.
13.2 APM reserves the right to suspend or remove the accreditation of the AP if:
- the information provided to APM in support of accreditation is incorrect or out of date
- the AP or one of its employees or contractors does anything to bring APM into disrepute
- the AP commits a serious breach of any terms and conditions, instructions or service level requirements previously notified to it in writing by APM
- the AP commits any material or repeated breach or non-observance of any of APM’s applicable terms and conditions and (where that breach is capable of remedy) fails to remedy that breach within fourteen (14) days of being notified in writing of the breach, or refuses or neglects to comply with any reasonable and lawful directions of APM
- the AP does not seek or fails in an application for renewal; or
- the AP makes a resolution for its winding up, makes an arrangement or composition with its creditors or makes an application to a court of competent jurisdiction for protection from its creditors or an administration or winding up order is made or an administrator or receiver is appointed in relation to the AP or (if an individual) the AP is declared bankrupt or has a county court administration order made against him/her under the County Court Act 1984
14. Notifications
The AP agrees to receive formal notices, documents and information from APM relating to its accreditation in electronic form. Notices and or these materials will be sent to the AP’s preferred e-mail address (if supplied to APM) and shall be treated as received by the AP if sent to that address. The AP is responsible for notifying APM of all changes of email address. In addition, or alternatively (if APM so determines) material may be provided to the AP by being made available on the APM website or other electronic or cloud-based facility to which the AP has access.
15. Governing law and jurisdiction
These terms and conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of, or in connection with, them shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law of England and Wales. The parties irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with these terms and conditions or their subject matter.
Note: In these terms and conditions “APM” means Association for Project Management. Association for Project Management is incorporated by Royal Charter RC000890 and a registered charity No: 1171112. Principal office is Ibis House, Regent Park, Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire HP27 9LE.
Candidate resources for further reading
- Note that candidate resources can be found at and training
- APM’s website provides syllabuses, sample questions and candidate guidance notes.
- APM produces a range of publications aimed at supporting project management students and professionals throughout their careers. Details are available at
- Other knowledge resources are also available at
APM Competence Framework
Terms and Conditions for the use of the APM Competence Framework
- By downloading or using the APM Competence Framework, you accept these terms and conditions.
- You may only use the Competence Framework in accordance with these terms and conditions.
- APM grants a revocable licence in relation to the whole or any part of the Competence Framework to you on a non-exclusive basis to access, download and store the Competence Framework in a secure manner and use it for the purposes for which it has been designed.
- You will only use the Competence Framework in accordance with the terms of the licence granted by APM.
- You will take reasonable steps to safeguard the intellectual property of APM in the Competence Framework at least to the same extent as you protect your own intellectual property.
- You will comply with APM’s requirements regarding presentation of APM’s brand and trade marks in connection with the Competence Framework.
- You will so far as reasonably practical ensure that each and every part of the Competence Framework used by you and by others that you authorise to use it shall be clearly identified as being an extract of the Competence Framework and shall:
a. Not remove the copyright notice which appears on the Competence Framework.
b. Include the copyright notice if not already present where a part or parts of the Competence Framework is or are used. - You will promptly notify APM of any actual, threatened or suspected infringement of any intellectual property of APM in the Competence Framework which comes to your notice.
- APM may at any time update the Competence Framework or withdraw any item or part of an item from it or withdraw the whole of the Competence Framework and revoke this licence.
- All rights in the Competence Framework not expressly granted by these terms and conditions are reserved to APM.
- You will ensure that you (and those you authorise to use the Competence Framework) will not, loan, publish, alter, adapt, reverse engineer, disassemble, make corrections to or otherwise exploit, modify, create derivative works or combine with any other material the whole or any part of the Competence Framework except to the extent necessary to use the Competence Framework for the purposes for which it has been designed.
Note: In these terms and conditions “APM” means Association for Project Management. Association for Project Management is incorporated by Royal Charter RC000890 and a registered charity No: 1171112. Principal office is Ibis House, Regent Park, Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire HP27 9LE.
APM Social media guidelines
You can review APM’s social media guidelines here.
APM Open examinations and assessments
Your contract
Bookings for open examinations are contracts with Association for Project Management (APM), incorporated by Royal Charter RC000890 and a registered charity No. 1171112. Principal office is Ibis House, Regent Park, Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, HP27 9LE. It is governed by its Charter, which is supplemented by it’s regulations.
APM will apply VAT where necessary at the applicable rate.
Please note APM views all candidates as taking examinations in a private capacity. VAT will be applied at the standard rate on all examinations irrespective of where the examination is sat geographically. This is because the kinds of services that are affected by the location of the customer do not include examinations.
Cancellation and Refunds
APM examinations are not transferable and may not be re-sold.
For online examinations and assessments candidates will need to ensure that the equipment required to undertake the examination and/or assessment is suitable before they make a booking. APM is not responsible for your IT equipment or internet provision. If these fail on the day of your assessment, then no refunds will be offered unless there are exceptional circumstances, then due consideration will be given.
Open online examinations
- If a cancellation is made 5 working days, or less, before the examination a cancellation fee will apply.
Open online assessment (Project Professional Qualification)
- A fee will be charged if a cancellation is made more than 14 days before assessment date
- If a cancellation is made less than 14 days before the assessment date, a cancellation fee will apply
Booking an online open examination
Please read the Online examination webpage guidance prior to making an online open examination booking.
To book an online examination you will need to register for an account on the APM website. If you already have an account, please ensure that the main email address on your APM account is for an email account that you can access to take your examination. The system check and the launch test emails will be sent to this email address. It is your responsibility to contact APM if you don't receive these emails prior to the examination.
Once you have completed your booking you will be emailed a receipt from SagePay and also a receipt from APM. The SagePay email will confirm the date and time of your booking. Please make a note of this.
Candidate Reasonable Adjustments
APM must be informed in writing of any candidate dispensations. The request and relevant evidence must be received by APM by midday 12 working days prior to the examination date. No request will be accepted after the examination has commenced.
Your details
Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the APM privacy policy.
Identification and Security
Open online examinations
Candidates will need to bring some form of photo ID to the examination. Identification accepted includes a passport or driving licence. This will need to be shown during the environment checks. If this isn’t provided, we will not be able to confirm your results to you.
Open online assessments
Candidates will need to bring some form of photo ID to the examination. Identification accepted includes a passport or driving licence. This will need to be shown to the assessors before the scenario and oral examination and also as part of the environment checks before undertaking the report element. If this isn’t provided, we will not be able to confirm your results to you.
APM Rules and Regulations for Remote Invigilated Examinations
By registering for an APM examination you are agreeing to obey by the rules and regulations.
Equipment needed for the assessment
You will need to undertake the equipment set-up prior to the examination date, so that an automated systems check can be carried out on the equipment you intend to use for the examination. This is to ensure it meets the necessary specifications for the examination to run smoothly. This needs to be done in a timely manner before your examination, so, if there are any issues, there is time to resolve them before the examination takes place. Details of the system requirements and set-up can be found here.
Remote invigilation
APM’s remote invigilation services are provided by ProctorExam.
The examination may be monitored in real-time via the webcam facility with audio and video connections or recorded and reviewed after the examination session.
Live feeds to the candidates are viewed and recorded through the screen-sharing technology to ensure the examination is carried out with integrity. If something untoward happens, e.g. a fire alarm goes off or there is a technical problem once the online examination has started, you can contact the remote invigilator via the live chat functionality, and they will support you as required. If the delay is too long, it may be necessary to reschedule your examination.
Examination security checks and identification
You should allow at least an extra 15 minutes to the normal examination duration. This is from the start time of your examination. This will provide time to carry out the necessary personal identity and environment checks before you take your examination. Acceptable types of identification are:
- Passport
- Photographic driving licence
- National ID card
If you don’t have any forms of identification listed above, please contact APM Qualifications team to discuss your options.
You will be required to conduct a floor-to-ceiling scan of the whole room, desk and workspace space that ProctorExam are satisfied that the exam environment will not compromise the integrity of the exam. You will need a mobile device to complete the scan. If you do not complete the environment scans effectively and slowly, your exam may be flagged for review.
Examination delivery page
As the examination is delivered in Google Chrome rather than in a locked down software application, there is the potential to move away from the examination delivery page. ProctorExam monitor and record any other web pages that are being used. So please ensure that you only have the examination delivery tab open and do not navigate away from this page as this will void your examination.
Leaving the examination room
You will be expected to complete the examination without a break, unless it has been previously agreed with APM via a request for a reasonable adjustment. However, should you need a break during the exam time, it will be recorded that you have taken temporary leave. APM will review the absence and might contact you for further information if required.
Please note: The clock will not be stopped whilst you are absent from the examination, so taking a break will reduce the amount of time you have to complete your examination. You may also be asked to carry out a further environmental scan on your return to ensure that the exam environment has not been compromised.
If you are seeking a reasonable adjustment and expect to need a break during the examination time, you should inform your Accredited Provider (AP) of this at the time of booking the examination so provisions can be made.
Under no circumstances are any kind of notes (paper or electronic) to be removed from the examination room or brought back into it following a break. If this is done, the examination will be reviewed, you will be disqualified, and the result declared void.
Ending the online examination
You can terminate the examination by clicking the ‘Finish’ button at any point. If you do then you will not be able to resume the examination. Otherwise, the examination will end at the end of the allotted time.
Dress code
You should be appropriately dressed for the examination. No hoodies, hats or sunglasses are permitted. Your eyes should be clearly visible to the online invigilator. If you wear a headscarf, you will be required to show your ears during the environment check, but you do not need to remove it.
Smoking/vaping is forbidden during the examination.
Food and drink
Food and drink are not normally permitted during an examination, but a drink may be taken in if you wish to do so. Preferably the drink should be in a see-through container.
You will need to show this during the environment check process. Bringing in water is at your own risk as a spillage may compromise the functionality of your computer and therefore your ability to complete the examination.
Once the examination starts, complete silence must be observed throughout. Mobile phones (unless being used to record the session), tablets, watch alarms and pagers must be turned off and stored outside the room for the duration of the examination. The only reason for speaking to the invigilator is in the case of malfunction of the examination or to report a reason to pause or abort the examination e.g. fire alarm.
Use of calculators
If your examination requires the use of a calculator this will be available on the examination delivery pages.
You are not permitted to have access to a dictionary during the examination. If English isn’t your first language, you can use a translation dictionary. This can only be used with prior consent from APM and you will be required to show this during the security checks.
Use of notes, books and other electronic devices
Your workspace must be clear of books, notes, any other papers or internet enabled electronic devices including watches, apart from the equipment you are using to take the examination. There must be no notes or diagrams on the walls or other surfaces that may constitute to help you.
You may have one blank sheet of paper on your desk to take notes during the examination. This must be shown during the environment checks at the start of the examination and torn up at the end of the examination, in front of the camera.
Data Protection
It is the APM’s policy not to return assessments to candidates as scripts are exempt from the UK GDPR’s provisions on the right of access and the right to be informed. (Please see more in the UK Data Protection Act of 2018, Paragraph 25(1) of Schedule 2).
Video footage from the examination session will be retained for 6 months, after which it will be securely destroyed.
For multiple choice online examinations, a provisional pass/fail result will be available on completion of the examination, and the confirmed graded result available within two weeks.
For short written answer examinations, results will be available in approximately 8 weeks after the examination. Your results will be emailed to you, we don’t give results out over the phone.
Assessment Results enquiries/appeals
By sitting the examination, you’re confirming that you are fit to do so; no appeals will be heard concerning your wellbeing during the examination.
An enquiry or appeal must be made in writing, by email, to the APM Qualifications department, and be received no later than 30 days after the dispatch of your results. Details of the process can be found on our website.
Breach of the APM rules and regulations for remote invigilated examinations
Any breach of the APM assessment rules and regulations will be investigated by the APM and may result in action being taken against the candidate. Examples of breach may include:
- Being in possession of any materials, calculators, mobile phones, tablets, smart watches, headphones, earphones, equipment, notes, books or other papers at any time during an examination session, other than those specified in advance by APM
- Contacting, communicating, talking to, or copying to/from any other person/source during the exam
- Helping or receiving help from another person/source either online or in person
- Leaving the room without prior permission agreed by APM and the express permission of the remote invigilator (where relevant)
- Consulting any materials or people outside the room during periods of authorised absence, while the exam is in progress
- Accessing web pages or other applications e.g. word
- Using multiple screens
- Webcam on PC/laptop angled up or having face obscured
- Continuously looking around in any direction
- Remove any notes from the examination session (paper or electronic)
- Behaviour that is considered inappropriate or abusive to the remote invigilator
- No valid ID provided, and any person taking or submitting an assessment on another candidate’s behalf
Where the exam is monitored in real-time, if the online invigilator considers there has been any breach of the rules and regulations, they are empowered to stop the examination, where applicable. Any such material considered as evidence of the candidate’s intention to evade the rules will be retained as evidence and reported to APM.
Where the exam is record and review, the video will be reviewed after the examination and any breach of the rules and regulations will be reported to APM. Action may include the assessment being voided and being disqualified from the examination. If an exam is voided due to technical issues outside APM’s control, 100% of the fee will be charged.
Candidate Malpractice Policy
Version 8.0
16 May 2023
This policy applies to all qualifications and standards.
It is issued with reference to the Exam Rules and Regulations including APM Rules and Regulations for Remote Invigilated Exams, published on the APM website and supersedes any previous versions.
1. Definition
APM defines malpractice as an established breach of the published Exam Rules and Regulations.
Examples of malpractice include:
- Cheating – failing to comply with the Rules and Regulations or any instructions given by APM in order to gain an unfair advantage in the examination / assessment,
- Colluding – collaborating or communicating with another person to gain advantage by any means, including facilitating or receiving such assistance.
- Personating – appearing or producing work on behalf of another candidate / applicant in order to mislead the examiners.
- Plagiarising – including in your work that which has been created by another person
- Using unauthorised material during an online assessment.
- Dishonest and/or unethical practice: this covers any form of practice which attempted to deceive others, but which is not specifically identified in the above and referred by the Investigation Panel.
- Inappropriate supervision of the exam breaching the terms and conditions for Self-Invigilation.
2. Measures to prevent and identify malpractice in APM examinations
APM’s examinations are conducted under strict examination conditions.
In the instance of face-to-face examinations an invigilator approved by APM will oversee the examination event. The invigilator is responsible for checking photographic identification of each candidate, for the safe and secure delivery of the examination paper and answer book/mark sheets to the examination venue, and for the collection and return to APM of all the examination material at the end of the examination event.
In the instance of remotely delivered examinations, ProctorExam has delegated authority to monitor and record all webpages used via screenshare and the external environment via webcam.
Candidates are required to conduct themselves in accordance with the candidate guidance in operation at the time and abide by the Exam Rules and Regulations.
The invigilator is empowered to ask a candidate to leave the examination room at any time, if the invigilator suspects a breach to the Exam Rules and Regulations or for matters pertaining to the Health and Safety of the candidate, other candidates or exam personnel.
The invigilator will take necessary action to prevent further malpractice, without disadvantaging other candidates taking the examination. Any such action, and the reason for it, must be recorded in writing and the invigilator's report returned to APM with the examination materials and within the agreed timeframes as set out by APM’s Service Level Requirements for Examinations.
In the instance of online examinations, supervised through ProctorExam, ProctorExam will flag exam recordings for review by the internal APM Qualifications Team where there is the suspicion of inappropriate conduct or malpractice.
The investigation panel nominated to investigate suspected inappropriate behaviour, may refer cases to be reviewed under the malpractice policy.
Potential malpractice may also be suspected by the APM examiner marking scripts after the
examination or identified as part of the optical scanning and quality assurance of multiple-choice papers which takes place in APM’s offices.
3. APM action on suspicion of malpractice
In the event of suspected malpractice the APM Service Innovation team will contact the candidate / applicant to inform them that an investigation is pending with specific reference to the Rules and Regulations which are considered to have been breached. The candidate/applicant will have the opportunity to formally note their views on the alleged breach, including any mitigation they feel is relevant.
All evidence, including that supplied by the candidate / applicant is brought to the attention, in the first instance, to the Senior Qualifications Manager and Senior Accreditation and Assessment Manager of Professional Standards. This forms the preliminary investigation as to the conduct of the examination event in question. This will include, where relevant;
- review with the invigilator to confirm whether any suspicious or inappropriate conduct was observed during the examination event itself.
- review with the script marker of the grounds for their suspicion.
- review of recordings from ProctorExam.
- and/or review internally where the examination in question is optically scanned.
- evidence supplied by the candidate / applicant
Following the preliminary investigation if malpractice remains to be suspected, the matter, with written reports and supporting evidence, will be reported to the Director of Education and Lifelong Learning, who will determine the intended action to be taken in consultation with the Malpractice Panel. Another member of the Leadership Team has delegated authority in the absence of the Director of Education and Lifelong Learning. The Malpractice Panel shall consist of;
- Director of Education and Lifelong Learning
- Qualifications Chair of Examiners
- Two members of the Professional Standards team at Senior Manager or Head level.
Meetings of the Malpractice Panel shall be documented by a Professional Standards Co-Ordinator who will take the role of Panel Secretary.
The action recommended, and the reasons for it, will be communicated to the candidate and their Accredited Provider (if applicable). Actions may include (but not limited to);
- Candidate / applicant will have their assessment mark confirmed and a finding of no misconduct confirmed.
- Candidate will receive a zero mark for that assessment and offered a complimentary re-sit.
- Candidate will be disqualified from their attempt.
- Candidate will be disqualified from their attempt and prevented from sitting further qualifications for a reasonable, defined period*
*The defined period will be determined based on the seriousness and impact of the malpractice. In the event of a repeat presentation to the Malpractice Panel a permanent disqualification from the APM qualifications may be enforced.
The candidate / applicant has the right to appeal the decision made by the Malpractice Panel and must do so in writing within ten working days of the decision being communicated. Malpractice Appeals should be directed to Appeals will be heard by a subcommittee of the Professional Standards and Knowledge Committee, who have delegated authority to make a final decision on the matter.
The malpractice panel must retain records of points of procedural governance, for example consideration of conflicts of interest and for the purpose of appeal, audit and regulatory oversight. The retention of data must be consistent with data protection obligations.
The matter, its investigation and conclusion will be reported to APM’s Professional Standards and Knowledge Committee.
If the candidate in question is a member of APM, the matter will also be reported to the Chief Executive, for potential investigation as a breach of the APM’s Code of Professional Conduct for members.
APM will inform any relevant Regulatory Body in accordance with their prevailing rules and